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Tactical Functional Training

is a health and wellness program helping individual cops and entire departments of law enforcement professionals achieve tactical, functional wellness so they can:

Be prepared for that one career-defining moment.

Exposure Point ™ prevention

TFT supplies a daily dose of wellness for Law Enforcement. We register departments /agencies to use the online platform, deliver in-service and training. Sign up for your free consultation today and get a free week of the TFT platform.

Don't be a prisonerin your own body.

Tactical Functional Training Fitness Pyramid

A quick summary of the pyramid: you need to stay active and healthy by strengthening your exposure points. These are what could take you down for weeks at a time and even end your career. From there you need endurance development upon which other aspects of your physical fitness can grow. Strength building helps but it’s nothing without the base of the pyramid - if you’re eating fast food and donuts for breakfast after a hangover your body will NOT be ready when you need an instant response. At the top of our pyramid, physical conditioning for a cop is about being a tactical athlete. When a police officer must employ physicality (for duty or survival), the skillset is more like a football player than a marathon runner or a body-builder.  We call this tactical explosiveness.

Tooker, Gregory. “Health and Fitness in Law Enforcement” 2016. PDF file.

Train Right Get home at Night™

Police Academy Requirements by State: